Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Objective Questions or MCQs on Transformer

Objective Questions or MCQs on Transformer                               

01) Eddy current loss will depends on
Flux density
All of the above
. So eddy current loss will depend upon frequency, flux density and the area of the eddy current loop.
02) Hysteresis loss will depends on
. So, hysteresis loss will depends on frequency.
03) Thin laminations are used in a machine in order to reduce
Eddy current losses
Hysteresis losses
Both 1 and 2
Copper losses
Thin laminations are used in order to reduce the eddy current losses only. Due to laminations the area of the eddy currents loops are minimized and the losses due to eddy current losses are minimized.
04) Hysteresis loop represents the area of
copper loss
eddy current loss
Hysteresis loss
total iron losses
Hysteresis loop will represents only hysteresis losses. It is found out by area of B-H loop curve of a magnetic material.
05) Total core loss is also called as -------------?
Eddy current loss
Hysteresis loss
Magnetic loss
Copper loss
As iron loss is proportional to flux density or flux, these are also called as magnetic loss. The total core loss or magnetic loss consists of eddy current loss and hysteresis loss.
06) Which of the following are variable losses?
eddy current loss
hysteresis loss
shunt field copper loss
armature copper loss
Armature copper loss is directly proportional to square of armature current. Therefore as the load varies these will also vary.
07) Maximum efficiency will occur, when copper loss is_______to iron loss?
greater than
less than
equals to
any of the above
Condition for maximum efficiency is, copper loss = iron loss or variable losses is equals to fixed losses.
08) The noise resulting from vibrations of lamination set by magnetic forces, is termed as
The hum is generated by the magnetic field that happens due to the continuous reversing of the frequency of the supply or it is due to magnetostriction. The magnetic field in the AC machine or transformers has coils which are still able to move slightly due to the vibration. The laminations of the armature are treated in a similar way but also vibrate at the line frequency and it is almost impossible to stop. We can only reduce it by good design.

09) Auto transformer makes effective saving on copper and copper losses, when its transformation ratio is equal to
 very low
 less than one.
 greater than one.
approx to one.
To quantify the saving the total quantity of copper used in an auto transformer is expressed as a fraction of that used in a two winding transformer as,This means that an auto transformer requires the use of lesser quantity of copper given by the ratio of turns. Hence, if the transformation ratio is approximately equal to one, then the copper saving is good and the copper loss is less.
10) Which of the following statements is/are correct?
High frequency power supplies are light weight
Transformer size get reduced at high frequency
Both 1 and 2
None of the above
From the induced emf equation of transformer E ∝ φf For same emf, φf = constant φ1f1 = φ2f2 B1A1f1 = B2A2f2 For constant flux density B1 = B2 A1f1 = A2f2 For high frequency f2 > f1 A2 < A1 Therefore at high frequencies transformer size get reduced and also light weight.

1 comment:

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